The Jump Start Early Childhood Consultation (Jump Start ECC) Program at the University of Miami is funded by The Children's Trust to work with early learning programs and childcare providers to help promote the social-emotional development of all young children. We know that childcare providers are the experts of their program and classrooms, and parents are the experts of their children. So, we partner with you in collaborative consultations to help your program and classrooms meet their individual needs, manage children's difficult behaviors, and support children's social-emotional development.
Given this program follows Georgetown University's Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) model, we do not provide direct services to children but rather provide consultations to childcare directors, teachers, and parents to support the child's development. In order to enroll a child or teacher or classroom to be enrolled, the entire childcare program must be willing to participate. Completing this service request form does not guarantee services. Once we review your service request form we will contact you to further determine eligibility.