Get Involved
Jump Start ECC is modeled after the evidence-based Georgetown University’s Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (I/ECMHC) Model. We believe in the expertise and strong leadership of early learning program directors; through our partnership with The Children’s Trust, we have a unique opportunity to collaborate with childcare providers to offer high-quality consultations that help them meet their goals. We believe in the power of an equal partnership because the only way to make meaningful change in children’s lives is to collaborate together. Our goal is to build the capacity of childcare providers to support children’s social-emotional development and manage challenging behaviors to decrease preschool expulsion and teachers’ job-related stress. As a team, we hope to impact all young children across Miami-Dade County.
Step 1In order to be part of our program, please complete a Referral Request Form on the link, Click Here. There is a link for program-level, classroom-level, and child-level consultations. However, please note, that if a child is being referred, the entire program must agree to participate. We do not provide direct child services or therapy. The goal is to provide individual consultations to the program directors, owners, teachers and parents to support the needs of young children at-risk for being expelled from school.
For program-level consultations, childcare centers/FCCHs must be licensed; and priority will be given to those located in low-income, high-need communities; and those enrolled in The Children’s Trust’s QIS; and have children at-risk for expulsion. Other early care and education facilities will be considered based on need and service availability. For classroom-level consultations, teachers must be referred by program directors/QIS coaches or teachers themselves can request services. For child/family-level consultations, children must be to 5 years-old; demonstrating challenging behaviors; at-risk for childcare suspension or expulsion; and administrator, teacher, and/or parent must be willing to participate in consultations.
Step 2A University of Miami staff member will contact to set up an interview using a Readiness Assessment. Given the intensive nature of services, it is essential that the program agree to participate.
Step 3If the program meets eligibility standards using based on the Readiness Assessment, you will be assigned a Consultant. The Consultant will meet with you to do a needs assessment and some other evaluations so that services can be tailored to meet the needs of your program.
Step 4An Action Plan will be developed and services will begin. Note: A maximum of 6 months of consultation services will be provided.
Step 5After services end, you will be asked to complete some assessments to let us know if you were satisfied with our services and if they were effective. We will also contact you 12-months after services end to see if your program is still maintaining the strategies we implemented.